Kim Skov-Nielsen
Mob: +34 609 891 650
"Am extremely grateful that Kim was highly recommended to me, although my experience working with him went far beyond what was advertised as "a top surveyor".

Because I was extremely selective on what kind of boat I wanted, I took on the challenge of buying a boat on the other side of the Atlantic, a project that became more challenging when the week of the sea trial, I had a medical emergency that blocked me from flying, and thus inspecting the boat in person at the critical time to decide on the deal.

While I was fortunate to have my own broker able to travel without me, having an independent surveyor working only for me, now became critical, and Kim's extraordinarily thorough survey gave me the confidence I needed to complete the transaction, something I was glad I did when I eventually got my own eyes on Rhumb Do.

At this point I have to note the survey went above and beyond what was asked for, knowing I was buying my once-in-a-lifetime ultimate dream boat, Kim extensively detailed in the survey what kind of service and maintenance I'd want to do in the first few years of ownership, and then knowing my new medical condition, detailed precisely what kind of medical supplies would be prudent for the kind of sailing/cruising I was planning.

So now I owned a beautiful sailboat in Gibraltar, and had to get her to the U.S., which was a very sudden reality that demanded immediate response. Kim told me he would enjoy the chance to sail her more, and that was all I needed to ask him if he'd keep an eye on her in Spain, and put together a professional crew to get her to the shipping load-point in Mallorca. They did so quickly and efficiently, and then, when the shipping service delayed the pickup for a month, he coordinated with his partner skipper based there to help me manage the boat in a great marina, and even negotiate a couple expert repairs at great prices. No complaints from Kim that the mission was changing dramatically, just solutions.

During the time in Palma, I finally had opportunity to travel to see her, and was able to convince Kim for one more adventure, he joined me with a partner for a three day weekend of sailing my new baby in one of the ultimate sailboat playgrounds, taking me through the nuances of the boat, practicing reefing procedures, and along the way helping to identify a few maintenance issues that needed sorting. Throughout I was being hosted in an epic sailing paradise, with colossal sailboats dancing all around us, learning from Kim's engaging retelling of his own racing adventures just what makes the sport so special.

It took months to buy a boat in Europe, get her moved to the right places for transatlantic shipping, and I would recommend it only to the most obsessed sailor. I would however talk even one of those out of the folly if they didn't have someone like Kim that had the enthusiasm, experience, and patience to work with."

- "Rhumb Do" - Rustler 37 - 04/08/24
"Hej Kim. Tak for flot rapport og diverse forslag."
- "La Paloma" - Moody 47 - 17/06/23
" Hi Kim. I had a fantastic crossing earlier this year in the SHE 36. The boat is an absolute brick - fast and comfortable on all points of sail and in every condition that the Atlantic threw at us. In fact, we came first on corrected time in the January ARC"
- "She Twins" - SHE 36' - 25/04/23
" Hej Kim. Tak for en god rapport og gode raad."
- "Songbird" - Bavaria 40 - 14/04/23
" Hello Kim, Thank you for your complete report, and fast, you did a complete job!"
- "OX" - Pershing 5X - 20/08/20
"Thanks a lot again for your sharing your extremely valuable views! We're extremely happy we decided to work with you and the way you approached this, without your critical stance we wouldn't be owners of this boat right now."
- "Jumbuck" - J-109 - 15/11/18
"Thank you for your report and your continuing counsel. We do believe you have done a good job and we have been grateful throughout for your honesty."
- "Marlinger" - Grand Banks 48' Heritage, 1973 - 15/06/16
"Thank you for your help. It was a real pleasure to meet you and your work makes me sleep better after buying the boat."
- "Inspiration" - Contest 35s, 1998 - 05/07/16
"Thank you Kim. This is a fantastic report!"
- "Sanctum" - Absolute 47', 2008 - 01/06/16
"Thank you for your report which is clear and comprehensive. All your recommendations make sense. Thank you for your assistance."
- "Stephanie & Mark" - Sea Ray 555, 2000 - 03/03/16.
"You made a great job, thanks again, the money I spent with you were definitely worth. I wish we will have occasions in future."
- "BlueRay" - Custom van Der Stadt Tasman 58', 1992 - 23/01/16.
"Thank you very much for your service reguarding Balu...! We appriciate that we have the ability to contact you, if there are things we wonder about... Thank you again - we'll keep in touch..!!"
- "Balu" - Grand Banks 48' Heritage, 1972 - 10/09/15
"Your report has done the deed! Half an hour ago I received a phone call from Allianz telling us that they accept the full claim. Thank you so much."
- "Wego" - 07/01/15.
"Have to thank you again for a Great Job and thanks for being so thorough . I really appreciate that, you're a real pro, Kim, and that's pretty hard to find these days. I really appreciate the way you took care of Spock. "
- "Spock" - Farr 58' CC sloop, 2009 - 15/09/16.
"Grazie della tua disponibilitā, professionalitā e simpatia. Voy a aprovechar seguramente de tu oferta y te voy a consultar (espero no muy frecuentemente) durante los primeros tiempos de navegaciōn. Muchas gracias nuevamente, and... arrivederci!! "
- "Wildcat" - Morgan 44' CC cutter, 1988 - 15/05/17
"Thanks for your prompt report - that is very thorough, helpful, clear and detailed with some very sensible and practical advice. I have commissioned several surveys over the years and yours is definitely one of the most informative."
- "Two Fast" - Jeanneau 3200, 2014 - 06/09/17